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Old Garden & Horticulture Machinery & Tools (OGHMT) is based in the South West. As the name would suggest, our group is interested in any and all equipment that was used to maintain both public and private gardens. Many of the tools and machinery were used in commercial horticulture to maintain nurseries, crops and fields in bygone days.



We regularly meet for social get togethers as well as attending the Shows and Rallies throughout Devon and Cornwall.


If you would like to join us simply fill in the form below and we will send you Membership Details.


We regularly attend Rallies, Shows and Historical Events to display the exhibits the group has collected and maintains. Our members have amassed a large quantity of hand tools and machinery dating back some 200 years. Many of the machines have been lovingly restored and are in full working order, working as well today as the day they were made.


Membership is just £10 per person or £12.50 for Joint membership. By becoming a paid up Member of our group you will benefit from;

  • Club PLI Insurance Cover when exhibiting at shows

  • Access to our Members Area where you will find details of all this years Southwest Rallies etc on a downloadable Google Calendar.

  • Receive information on shows and events

  • Social Event

Contact Us

Thanks for contacting us, Roger will be in touch soon

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